Repercussions of Breaking a Villa del Palmar Cancun Timeshare Contract

Did you land here because you are looking for solid advice regarding your Villa del Palmar Cancun timeshare contract? Are you seeking to cancel your timeshare contract legally and have no idea where to go? Well, you’ve come to the right place because we can give you all the information you need on the cancellation market and breaking contracts in the timeshare industry.

Breaking Villa del Palmar Cancun Timeshare Contracts

The big problem with the cancellation scene is that it is awash with scammers who really are only out for your cash. Cancellation timeshare scammers are incapable of, and have no intention of trying to, cancel a legally binding contract. If you purchased your timeshare from a legitimate company such as the Villa del Palmar Cancun or Garza Blanca Residence Club, the chances are that you won’t be able to cancel your contract legally and the repercussions of breaking your timeshare contract are pretty grim.

There are a few ways in which a Villa del Palmar Cancun timeshare contract can be dissolved, however: if you were mis-sold, or were the victim of a scam (in which case the timeshare is invalid anyway) then a contract may be dissolved within the cooling off period.

Cooling Off Period and Cancellation

What’s the cooling off period for Villa del Palmar Cancun timeshare contracts? We hear you ask… well, in many countries where the timeshare industry is big there is a mandatory “cooling off” period allowed to consumers by law. This protects you from buyer’s remorse by allowing you to bow out of a contract legally within a certain period of time after purchase. You can look at your contract, or talk to a company representative to find out just what that period is for you. If you are still within the cooling off period you don’t need anyone to break the contract at all; you can simply send written notification within the timeframe.

Companies that offer to break your timeshare membership contracts

For those who are beyond this point, however, there are very few options which will allow you to end a legally binding contract such as Villa del Palmar Cancun timeshare prematurely. Yet still there are companies out there who claim they can do just that for you. Don’t listen to them! These crafty scammers are known for charging huge fees for which they will “break” your contact with your timeshare provider legally, thereby freeing you from all obligations.

This is simply not the case, however, and they will only leave you in real trouble. You see, in all likelihood they will redirect your communications from the timeshare company so that it appears that their services have worked; you will go on with your life, unaware that you have defaulted on your payments and your debt is mounting. This is a situation that no-one wants to be in, and one that we certainly don’t want you to get into so please don’t trust cancellation scammers!

Think carefully before breaking a Villa del Palmar Cancun timeshare contract.